Guide to frames usage
Using frames: Some examples of good frames usage
The following list is an incomplete overview of some applications of
frames that serve a useful purpose. If you have any suggestions for
this list, please mail me
so I can add it to this list.
- The classic table-of-contents: one small column on the left with
a table of contents or site overview, and all content in the big
column on the right. Useful if there is a large amount of information
that people want to browse through.
- Comparing two documents: by presenting two documents in two
equal-sized columns, the reader can read through both and see where they
differ, or where one is better than the other.
- Multiple-choice quiz: present a question at the top (in a small row),
and when the user chooses an answer and submits it, the bottom row
displays the correct answer and explains why the user's answer was not
correct, if necessary. This way, the user can see what he chose at all
- Footnotes/glossary: a small frame at the bottom is used to give
explanations for technical terms, and to display footnotes.

Last modified: 27 Apr 1997.
Feedback: galactus@htmlhelp.com
Copyright © 1996 - 2006.
Arnoud "Galactus"
Engelfriet. All rights reserved.