Style guide for online hypertext
Document style: Give its status
As the saying goes, "All Web pages are permanently under construction." Adding the
infamous "Under construction" logo serves little purpose, but a note that some
sections are incomplete is useful. Even when it is not fully ready, it might be
enough for someone reading it. Do not link to pages that are
not ready.
The date of the last update or modification is almost required. If it is at the top
of a document, a reader can quickly determine if he has already seen this version
and abort the transfer if this is the case. This also explains why it is so important
to have a consistent style for all documents: it helps a
reader to locate the information he wants.

Last updated: 30 Sep 1997
Copyright © 1996 - 2006. Arnoud Engelfriet.
E-mail: galactus@htmlhelp.com.