ISO 8859-1 character set: 160 - 191
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Char | Code | Name | Description |
 | 160 | nbsp | Non-breaking space |
 | 161 | iexcl | Inverted exclamation |
 | 162 | cent | Cent sign |
 | 163 | pound | Pound sign |
 | 164 | curren | Currency sign |
 | 165 | yen | Yen sign |
 | 166 | brvbar | Broken bar |
 | 167 | sect | Section sign |
 | 168 | uml | Umlaut or diaeresis |
 | 169 | copy | Copyright sign |
 | 170 | ordf | Feminine ordinal |
 | 171 | laquo | Left angle quotes |
 | 172 | not | Logical not sign |
 | 173 | shy | Soft hyphen |
 | 174 | reg | Registered trademark |
 | 175 | macr | Spacing macron |
Char | Code | Name | Description |
 | 176 | deg | Degree sign |
 | 177 | plusmn | Plus-minus sign |
 | 178 | sup2 | Superscript 2 |
 | 179 | sup3 | Superscript 3 |
 | 180 | acute | Spacing acute |
 | 181 | micro | Micro sign |
 | 182 | para | Paragraph sign |
 | 183 | middot | Middle dot |
 | 184 | cedil | Spacing cedilla |
 | 185 | sup1 | Superscript 1 |
 | 186 | ordm | Masculine ordinal |
 | 187 | raquo | Right angle quotes |
 | 188 | frac14 | One quarter |
 | 189 | frac12 | One half |
 | 190 | frac34 | Three quarters |
 | 191 | iquest | Inverted question mark |
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96 - 127 ~
160 - 191 ~
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224 - 255
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