Overview of all tags
Note: A one-file list of all tags is also
available (260K). Please see the syntax rules
if you have problems understanding the format used.
- ADDRESS - Address information
- APPLET - Java applet
- AREA - Hotzone in imagemap
- A - Anchor
- BASE - Document location
- BASEFONT - Default font size
- BIG - Larger text
- BLOCKQUOTE - Large quotation
- BODY - Document body
- BR - Line break
- B - Bold
- CAPTION - Table caption
- CENTER - Centered division
- CITE - Short citation
- CODE - Code fragment
- DD - Definition
- DFN - Definition of a term
- DIR - Directory list
- DIV - Logical division
- DL - Definition list
- DT - Definition term
- EM - Emphasized text
- FONT - Font modification
- FORM - Input form
- H1 - Level 1 header
- H2 - Level 2 header
- H3 - Level 3 header
- H4 - Level 4 header
- H5 - Level 5 header
- H6 - Level 6 header
- HEAD - Document head
- HR - Horizontal rule
- HTML - HTML Document
- IMG - Images
- INPUT - Input field, button, etc.
- ISINDEX - Primitive search
- I - Italics
- KBD - Keyboard input
- LINK - Site structure
- LI - List item
- MAP - Client-side imagemap
- MENU - Menu item list
- META - Meta-information
- OL - Ordered list
- OPTION - Selection list option
- PARAM - Parameter for Java applet
- PRE - Preformatted text
- P - Paragraph
- SAMP - Sample text
- SCRIPT - Inline script
- SELECT - Selection list
- SMALL - Smaller text
- STRIKE - Strikeout
- STRONG - Strongly emphasized
- STYLE - Style information
- SUB - Subscript
- SUP - Superscript
- TABLE - Tables
- TD - Table cell
- TEXTAREA - Input area
- TH - Header cell
- TITLE - Document title
- TR - Table row
- TT - Teletype
- UL - Unordered list
- U - Underline
- VAR - Variable
HTML 3.2 Reference
~ Elements by Function
~ Elements Alphabetically
Copyright © 1996 - 2006
Arnoud Engelfriet -
All rights reserved.